
My company does live event video streaming. We rarely get to choose the site of origination so we are usually at the mercy of the on-site network and its ability to sustain outbound video traffic. We often end up connecting to a network with little time to adequately coordinate our needs with the network administrator. Over the course of 14 years of producing live webcasts we have encountered the scenario where all our equipment and that of the CDN (Content Delivery Network) works flawlessly but somewhere in between there is a network interruption. Most of our clients have little knowledge of IP networks so if something goes wrong they look at us because we are on-site. I am looking at Pingplotter not so much as a troubleshooting tool but as a recording network monitor that I can point to in order to prove that the problem was not our equipment or that of the CDN. It's hard for our typical client to understand that if only one viewer is able to see the stream without any problem then the problem is not on the encoding side and probably not on the delivery side. We need a tool that show times and places of interruptions in traffic. Ideally it would show that there is too much local congestion (people are trying to watch the stream from there desks rather than gathering in conference rooms as recommended). I am new to PingPlotter but could someone tell me if this might a good tool to offer evidence that a problem exists BETWEEN our encoders and the CDN?