Interesting!<br><br>Ping Plotter attempts to give you a "picture" of the number of samples around the error condition that you say you care about. It uses the "Traces to examine:" number in your alert and packages up this number of samples into the email or text file so you can see if it's an isolated case or a trend. Looks like possibly if this is set to 1, then it grabs the one before or after the error condition. Probably, increasing the number of traces to examine would give you a temporary workaround for this problem.<br><br>The red lines aren't full height if a pixel represents more than one sample - and more than one sample in that time period was good. It averages the good samples in the period (just like always) but paints it in red to show that there was at least one lost packet in that period.<br><br>The -327 you saw is a bug in the output logic - I changed the timeout constant to be -32767 instead of 9999 - and I missed one area of fixing that. Thanks for the report.<br><br>I'll have a look at this logic to make sure it's working correctly. Thanks for the bug report.<br><br><br>