We've not built a script to do that inside PingPlotter, but try this and let us know how it goes (these instructions are a "general guideline" not specific steps).
  • Extract the attachment from this post.
  • Open the "Send Summary Email.vbs" script that you just extracted in your favorite text editor.
  • Edit the script on lines 32 and 33 for the "From" email and "To" email.
  • Edit the script on line 24 for your email server.
  • Edit the script on line 28 for your SMTP server port.
  • Test it (double click it in Windows Explorer).
  • Schedule it (http://www.nessoft.com/kb/60 for an example of instructions on scheduling a vbscript file)

Send Summary Email.zip (82 downloads)

Edited by Pete Ness (12/06/10 05:29 PM)
Edit Reason: Changed order of email declaration to fix bug.