PingPlotter does *not* look for the state of a TCP conversation. Our goal is to measure the network latency between the tracing machine and the target device, and if that target device responds in any way, we measure that latency. Getting a RST, a SYNACK, a NAK, or anything else back from that machine is something we measure as a success, and we record the latency.

PingPlotter is not optimized to measure the latency of a full TCP conversation - or the TCP service. It tries to measure at the network level, not the service level. We do have a plugin that will open a TCP conversation, measure the latency, and record that latency, but that doesn't record any intermediate hop information, and it's not really the design goal of PingPlotter. If you want to measure latency of the network service, this will do it, though - send an email to and let us know that you're after this add-in.

- Pete