
Thanks for the answers. I only tried setting the samples to "1" out of curiosity. I understand now why I wouldn't normally see the packet losses under those conditions.

Your answer to my second question is clear.

Thanks again for a great product. My problem is that I only turn to PingPlotter when I'm having problems, which is not too often. So first, I have to re-learn alot of the concepts and second, since I don't use it when "times are good", it's not quite clear to me what "good" traces are relative to the ones I see when the problems occur.

Also, I sometimes find it difficult to tell whether slow page load times are do to the packet losses I'm seeing, or issues at the server where the page is stored. If latencies to a site are 100ms and it takes 10 seconds for a page to load, I guess the problem is with the server?
