I have a couple of questions about a setup. We use PP to monitor many hosts over an extended period and it winds up eating up the RAM and disk space like Skittles...PP is great but I think the purchaser should have purchased Multiping to fit for our purpose.

At any give time we would have nearly 20 hosts pinging every 1 second. I have the AutoSave Images turned off. These are the following settings:

#of times to (gets cut off after this) - Unlimited
Trace - 1 second

Data - Save Interval - 2hrs
Max samples - (set to zero)

1) Does turning off AutoSaving the images affect the web viewing?
2) Are the settings for Max Samples and #of times to under Sampling the same setting?
3) If I would like 100 samples for each host do I specify 100 or 400 (100 for each)?
So if I wanted to save the data for 4 hosts every 24 hours would i need 86400 samples or 345600 samples?
4) If I specify more samples than time to AutoSave, will the current data be saved at the specified time or will it be saved when the samples to save have been reached?
Example: 1 host, ping every 1 second, keep 20 samples, save every 10 seconds...

