Hello again,

Just to let you know this problem is (still!) affecting many users. Apparently the problem only affects IP/DSL lines run by a different operator than the ISP we connect to (meaning the phone line is run by one company, and DSL access by another; there's probably a technical term for that but I don't know what it is...). Our ISP has been low on bandwidth for some time now for those lines run by a third party, and appears to be conducting QoS (and more precisely, bandwidth prioritization) on non-standard ports until the extra bandwith is received. The web and mail, etc., are running at reasonable speed, while access to ports > 1024 is problematic, with the latencies and paquet loss shown on the graphs provided earlier.

Thanks for your earlier responses. Although I'm still far from being an expert at building and reading these graphs, I learned a few things in the process :-)
