Ouch! 42 megs!

This is a Windows socket error, and we've not really figured out a "smoking gun" as to when this happens. By our experience, it seems to happen pretty regularly when a network cable is unplugged, or, if you're using a wireless network, when a network connection is "fringe" and disconnects.

You can certainly supress this type of message from being logged. When this error occurs, you'll also get a popup panel above the upper graph that shows the same message. Showing this message here and logging it to file are tied, and both can be supressed.

To stop these errors from being logged, you'll need to manually add a line to your PingPlotter.ini file in your Ping Plotter directory (by default, this is c:\program files\ping plotter). Use your favorite editor to open this file and add the following line to the [Advanced] section:


After doing this, restart PingPlotter and you'll stop seeing these errors *except* during the first 10 samples of the trace set. If you never want to see them at all, you can set this to 0, but then some important messages might be missed when you first start tracing a host. Setting it to "1" will *alway* log (that's the default).

Let us know if this doesn't address your question!

- Pete