Ahhh. Voice echo...

This is not an area of expertise for us, but a search around the internet shows that it could be latency related *a bit*, but that's only because latency makes it more apparent. More likely is that there is some kind of feedback between the speaker and microphone of the person you're talking to, causing the echo. With no latency, this doesn't really matter - as latency increases, though, it becomes more and more distracting.

It looks like there are network devices that cancel echo, but they don't do this by modifying the network characteristics as much as they do it by detecting the echo and removing it.

I did a Google (and Google groups) search on VoIP, Echo and network and came up with a lot of good material on this topic - especially in Google Groups.

PingPlotter doesn't show you echo at all - it's probably being caused by something that's a couple of "layers" away from the raw network.

- Pete