Hi Kreu,

Thanks for reaching out!

I took a look at the PingPlotter data you provided and it appears that this issue may be originating around hop #2. To help zero in on this issue I suggest running a trace directly to hop #1 (your router) to rule out any ICMP down-prioritization that is happening in your trace.

You can learn more about ICMP down-prioritization in the following article:

One poorly responding router

After running traces to your router and Google simultaneously you should be able to identify if this is a hop 1 or 2 issue easier.

You can learn more about interpreting PingPlotter results in the following articles:

Interpret Results
Interpreting Latency and Packet Loss
Common Network Problems

If the root of this issue does end up being outside of your home network (not the router) you may have to reach out to your ISP, if that is the case I suggest reading the following article:

Building a Case

If you have any questions about this let me know!
