Adding "Pause/Stop trace on a Timer" Alert Parameter to PingPlotter


How can I schedule a trace to pause or stop automatically?


Adding the Pause Trace Alert parameter to PingPlotter 5

You can install this alert parameter by: 

  1. Install PingPlotter as a service. (If already installed as a service Stop the PingPlotter 5 service at this time: Win + R > Search "Services.msc" > PingPlotter 5 Service > Stop)

  2. Download and Unzip the file attached at the bottom of this article (Titled AlertAction_PauseTrace.Zip).

  3. Move the AlertAction_PauseTrace folder into the appropriate locations:

  4. Restart the PingPlotter service.

  5. Open up the alerts panel to find a new alert called Pause Trace.

NOTE: You can modify this alert to Close the trace instead by changing Collector.Pause() to Collector.Close() on line 15 of pausetrace.js.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us!

Article ID: 162
Created On: January 4, 2022
Last Updated On: January 4, 2022

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