Initial IP address lookup

Posted by: jbrunette

Initial IP address lookup - 03/15/00 09:01 PM

This isn't necessarily a 2.2 beta issue, but might be something that could be changed before 2.2 is final.<br><br>This isn't a problem really, but would you consider not doing a reverse lookup on an IP address that I've entered to be traced before tracing it? It's a bit redundant, as the IP address is reverse-resolved when it's reached at the end of the trace anyway. It would be a nice speed up to have it just *go*. :-)<br><br>Jason<br><br>
Posted by: Pete Ness

Re: Initial IP address lookup - 03/15/00 10:19 PM

Hmmm. Good suggestion.<br><br>I actually had this in an original test version, but had to pull back as the architecture I was using turned out to not work out as I'd hoped. I'll see if I can get that put back into 2.2.<br><br>
Posted by: Pete Ness

Re: Initial IP address lookup - 04/10/00 01:12 AM

OK, this is implemented for the next release. It shows as (resolving) until the lookup is complete, and doesn't force you to wait before it starts tracing.<br><br>