
Posted by: Rae

Min/Max - 07/03/17 09:26 AM

Question? Fairly pseudo-tech savey here: If you have a Min of 66 and the desired Max of 150 and the Max comes back at 184, but your cur round trip is only 95, for this question does the max have any bearing on the current data return rate or functionality of the modem?

Ive gotten 15 different answers from 15 different people so I thought Id ask the pros!

I would also like to get some sales information, please provide me with contact information. Thank You!
Posted by: Kody

Re: Min/Max - 07/03/17 12:07 PM

Hi Rae,

It sounds like you're trying to understand if the Max latency has any affect on the current Round Trip values, is that correct?

First off, it's important to understand that the Round Trip latency values *only* reflect the results of the final hop. Because of this, it is possible to have high latency values at intermediate hops which exceed the Max latency values of the final hop. We have a knowledge base article that explains this in more detail here:


If you think I am mistaken in understanding your question, I'd love to hear more about what it is you're trying to do so that I can assist better.

For any sales or pricing information, you can reach out to sales@pingplotter.com anytime and we'd be happy to help out!
