Graph Area Frozen - No Update Action

Posted by: gabbey

Graph Area Frozen - No Update Action - 08/02/99 03:49 PM

I have been doing ping acquires for the past 3 hours to and ever since I chenged the ave to 500.. the graph area is frozen. I have 'messed' with every possible control and cannot get the blue X's to move or the ping times to update.. except changing the average to zero.<br><br>Please help..<br><br><br><br>
Posted by: Pete Ness

Re: Graph Area Frozen - No Update Action - 08/07/99 04:47 PM

I'm not *exactly* sure what problem you're describing here, but I think it has to do with a defect in version 2.03.<br><br>Currently, in 2.03, if there are too many outstanding requests (which can easily happen if you have a questionable network and a fast trace interval (< 5 seconds)), it puts some traces out in a queue and then "forgets" about them. This causes the response to never return - and then the graphs get out of sync. It's a bit annoying.<br><br>This has been fixed in the latest beta (version 2.03.1 beta 4) which is available to all registered users.<br><br>If this *isn't* the problem you're describing, let me know.<br><br>