Timeline graph stuck to the mouse without a click

Posted by: Liam

Timeline graph stuck to the mouse without a click - 05/06/09 12:03 PM

Hi there,

I occasionally have a minor irritation happen, when I am scrolling through a timeline graph.

I usually left-click (and hold) on the left-hand-side of the graph and drag the mouse to the right, thus taking me back in time.

I would then release the left-button, move the mouse to the left-hand-side of the graph, left-click (and hold) again, dragging to the right to go further back in time.

The irritant is that sometimes when I've dragged to the right and released the left-button, the graph will continue to follow the mouse's lateral movements, so will appear to scroll uncommanded.

It actually doesn't matter whether you're going backwards or forwards through time, it can happen in either situation.

I know it's not the mouse or PC (this happens on differnt machines, with different types of mouses).

I don't tend to use the scroll wheel much (as we still have machines that don't have them), so I don't know if this occurs with that.

Thanks and Regards.
Posted by: Pete Ness

Re: Timeline graph stuck to the mouse without a click - 05/06/09 12:59 PM

We'd love some help in making this a little bit more reproducible. Does it have anything to do with where you start the drag, end the drag, or move the mouse in between? How often does it happen?

Just as an alternative to the mouse, try using the ALT-Page Up and ALT-Page Down keys for faster movement.