Route changes

Posted by: Frank Bulk

Route changes - 06/28/08 12:30 PM

I've noticed that when I double-click on the time of a route change that the graph doesn't consistently move to the time span it happened.

Is this working as designed? I would prefer the behavior to be that when I click on the time that the time span bar center around the event.

Posted by: Pete Ness

Re: Route changes - 06/30/08 12:29 PM

Hi, Frank.

This is currently "as expected" behavior.

Selecting a route doesn't refocus the time graph. Selecting a period on the graph will set the route to match the route at the end of the selected time period, but not vice-versa.

We have worked on this in the past, but there are a number of complexities with this for which we have not yet come up with the optimal solution. If you're using PingPlotter Pro, we may be able to come up with a scripted add-in that does some of this for you (and makes some assumptions about your needs that can't be generically applied to everyone who uses the product). We've not done a script to do this so it may not be optimal with a plug-in either, but we should be able to do some of it.

- Pete