Only ever getting one hop, despite settings

Posted by: Anonymous

Only ever getting one hop, despite settings - 12/24/06 04:21 PM

Hey there,

I've been using PingPlotter for a while now to track my flaky internet connection, and it's always worked fine, except recently it's started collapsing the entire trace to only the final hop.
I have "Trace all hops" selected, and am using the default packet type.

When I first trace something like, I get a brief flash of the full trace, and can see all the hops, but it's almost immediately replaced by the last hop only.

I've wracked my brains rummaging through the settings, and even uninstalled and reinstalled. Anyone have any ideas?
Posted by: Pete Ness

Re: Only ever getting one hop, despite settings - 12/24/06 07:55 PM

Yup - you're using a Linksys WRT54GS, right? We have some discussion about that problem here:

Summary: download the latest bios for your router. If that doesn't completely solve the problem, then change PingPlotter to start tracing at hop 3.

Please let us know if that doesn't get things working for you.

- Pete
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Only ever getting one hop, despite settings - 01/14/07 02:35 PM

Hey, thanks! This is definitely the problem. When I start at hop 3, like that thread suggests, it works (but of course I can't see my router's IP, which probably doesn't matter anyway). I'll download the latest BIOS for the router and let you know if that lets me show all hops.

Thanks again!
Posted by: xsr5t

Re: Only ever getting one hop, despite settings - 04/02/07 09:29 AM

For anyone else who finds this thread I can confirm that the latest firmware works. v. 1.52.0
All the best