
Posted by: salk

Wingate? - 01/10/03 06:12 AM

Has anyone managed to get Ping Plotter working under wingate.

Im now on wingate 5*
Posted by: Pete Ness

Re: Wingate? - 01/14/03 09:18 PM

I don't have Wingate running here, so I'll just comment on this from a theoretical point of view...

Many networks that use Proxy servers actually use firewalls that may block ICMP echo requests. Others may actually use the Proxy server to allow an internet connection to be shared between multiple computers.

In general, a Proxy server that is configured to allow internet connection sharing will not work with Ping Plotter (or any trace route application). If, however, you're using NAT to provide internet connection sharing, and are using the Proxy server specifically to cache web pages, then it's possible it may work. I believe that Wingate does have a NAT option - and enabling that may allow Ping Plotter to work.

Networks that use Wingate for a Proxy may have a firewall installed to block internet access without using the Proxy. Sometimes, these networks may also block ICMP echo requests (and thus Ping Plotter as well).

Note that this is all general terms. In general terms, it is my belief that you should be able to get Ping Plotter working with WinGate - if it's configured to use NAT for connection sharing. You'll know you're using NAT if you don't have to reconfigure your network clients - or install any special software to have it work with Wingate. If you have to make special settings or install Wingate software on the clients, then it's likely connection sharing is being done through the proxy instead of NAT.

You might check with Wingate to see if they can advise you on how to get TRACERT to work. Ping Plotter uses similar API calls - and 99.99 percent of the time, if TRACERT works, then so will Ping Plotter.