Can PingPlotter automatically exit?

Posted by: PingP

Can PingPlotter automatically exit? - 11/24/02 03:19 PM

I love PingPlotter and use it as a notification on events. I use command line to start PingPlotter if a server is no longer reachable, the autosaved .PP2 file can tell me whether there is a routing loop in the Internet. In order not to leave many instances running in the system, I use /SINGLEINSTANCE augument, but when too many events happens at the same, this method seems not work well (for example, the later upcoming event can take over the instance before the autosave kicks in for the previous one). Is there an augument like /EXIT that tells PingPlotter to exit when it completes the specified # of trace (i.e. when "RESUME" button is shown)? (So every event can start its own PingPlotter for completing the trace and saving the file). Really appreciate if the augument can be added.

Posted by: Pete Ness

Re: Can PingPlotter automatically exit? - 11/27/02 12:27 PM

There is no option for this - I've added an enhancement request, although there are some surrounding logistics that would need to be taken care of as well. You probably also want to be able to pass in some additional parameters - like the number of times to trace.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Can PingPlotter automatically exit? - 11/27/02 06:23 PM

Thanks a lot. I use the following command line arguments to pass information to Ping Plotter, "/SINGLEINSTANCE /TRACE:%a /INIFILE:TIDC-PingPlotter.INI" in my monitoring system. In the .INI file I specify the filename for logging as "DataFileName=c:\$host $date $hour-$minute". the $host matches %a, the IP address from the monitoring system.