Text export

Posted by: Anonymous

Text export - 02/25/02 06:04 AM

When performing a text export using version 2.30.1/ Win2K server I get negative values.<br><br> -32764 ms -32764 ms 60 ms * []<br><br>How should these be interpreted? As a timeout ?<br><br>
Posted by: Pete Ness

Re: Text export - 02/25/02 08:46 AM

Ahhh, the infamous negative value export! Good question!<br><br>Actually, it's a bug where Ping Plotter's export is not properly translating some of it's internal "status" codes. There are several possible values you might see here.<br><br>-32768 - Timeout. This should always show as * in an export<br>-32766 - A response has not yet been received, but the timeout period has not yet expired. This should only be visible on the end sample (or several samples if your trace frequency is higher than your timeout period). This might turn into a timeout, or it might turn into a real response - we don't know until we wait a little longer.<br>-32765 - Tracing was stopped and resumed here. Happens any time you hit the stop button, and then hit resume. Used so Ping Plotter knows you didn't send out any samples during that period.<br>-32764 - This is the most usual number you see - and will happen any time you have an oscillating router or route change when you're exporting data for a route that doesn't exactly match the time period you're exporting for. It should show up in the export as "N/A" - or "Not applicable" - not a timeout, as some router *did* respond, just not this one.<br><br>Thanks for reporting this - I believe this has been fix for the next release, but it's been logged again just to make sure.<br><br><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by Pete Ness on 2/25/02 08:55 AM.</EM></FONT></P>
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Text export - 10/21/02 10:34 AM

I've been experiencing the same problem when using the freeware version. I just bought the shareware version today and realised that, although this original post was made on Feb 25th this year, the version of software I purchased has the same issue. Please let me know when the new version is planned to be released.

Posted by: Pete Ness

Re: Text export - 10/21/02 10:58 AM

Shoot an email to support@pingplotter.com if you're interested in testing this issue with a pre-release version and we can shoot you information on obtaining that.