Getting changing route info in text export file

Posted by: Pootle

Getting changing route info in text export file - 11/16/01 05:09 PM

I export to a text file so I can suck the data into a d/b and query and report from there - this works well for the destination server, but my ISP route changes several times a minute - even the first hop jumps around between 3 or 4 IP addresses, so when I export I get a whole lot of NA's for the 'other' addresses. even setting ignore route changes doesn't seem to help. Is there any way I can get output regardless of the particular server being used at the time?<br><br>
Posted by: Pete Ness

Re: Getting changing route info in text export file - 11/18/01 01:48 AM

The route change exclusions are definitely supposed to take care of the situation you're seeing.<br><br>Try adding "ALL" to your list of route change exclusions (<A HREF="" target="_new">more details in the tutorial...</A>)- and let me know if you're still seeing route changes show up in your list. If you are still getting route changes, then please send me a copy of your sample set ( so I can have a closer look. Note that the route change exclusion stuff doesn't actually take affect until you start a new trace, so make sure you start a new trace after adding the exclusion.<br><br><br>