Extremely common packet loss

Posted by: ikoyhn

Extremely common packet loss - 03/23/20 12:33 PM

So I have a fixed wireless ISP and I have been having issues with lag and I believe it is because of packet loss. So I ran the PingPlotter for a couple hours to see what is going on and it seems like the packet loss is happening as my data leaves my ISP city to another city about 120miles away. Does this conclusion seem correct? Also is this a common occurrence with Fixed Wireless or should I look into other Fixed Wireless ISP's for my area?(sadly there are no hard wire connections where I live)

I have contacted my local ISP to tell them about the issue but they didn't really seem to have an idea on what was wrong or how to fix it.

To Google.com : https://share.pingplotter.com/AVfVQQ8Rexx
To my router: https://share.pingplotter.com/HmsXP1KqU9j
To my ISP: https://share.pingplotter.com/aAG6aX5J8jm
NIC: https://share.pingplotter.com/gpZbNGi2hzs
Loop Back: https://share.pingplotter.com/C3ztgRQmdw9

Where I believe the issue is: https://share.pingplotter.com/XSsgmcLX1Kw

This was ran on a Windows laptop wired directly to my router.

Thanks for your help!

Posted by: ikoyhn

Re: Extremely common packet loss - 03/23/20 10:01 PM

Issue has been found! There was a bad connection between my ISP and one of the towers they use. Hoping it will get fixed and the packet loss will subside.
Posted by: Poe

Re: Extremely common packet loss - 03/24/20 05:53 PM

Hi ikoyhn,

Glad to hear you're able to identify where the issue was!

I too hope that it will be fixed quickly and that the packet loss disappears.

Let us know how it goes and if there is anything we can help with!

