Packet loss from hop 2

Posted by: Gotnov

Packet loss from hop 2 - 11/22/18 05:02 PM

Here is my result:

Full resolution image here

As you can see, the packet loss starts at hop 2, after my router.

Does this mean my fiber optics cable is faulty?
Posted by: Hayla

Re: Packet loss from hop 2 - 11/26/18 05:48 PM

Hi there!

Thanks for getting in touch.

I took a look at your screenshot, and it actually looks like a pretty good trace to me. You'll want to take a look at the final hop and see how it's behaving - and it appears at this time that the final hop is responding pretty dang good. This renders that packet loss at intermediate hops to be irrelevant to your final trace - they're still passing packets, so you're all good!

If you do see some funky behavior at that final hop, go ahead and email us a sample set via File -> Export Sample Set -> All Data, and send that to We'll take a look!