E mail alert is not working as expected if we configure to watch more than 1 targets

Posted by: Rinish

E mail alert is not working as expected if we configure to watch more than 1 targets - 09/01/16 06:53 AM

Hello Team ,

I am trying to set up an email alert for few of our critical servers/switches by using ping plotter pro 3.40.
I have configured 5 targets to watch and selected option "When alert conditions start (enters alert state)".The strange thing that i observed was i was getting alert only for one target which is appearing very first under the target List.Is there any way to configure multiple targets to watch under single Alert Set up or what is the best way to configure e mail alert for multiple hosts ?
Posted by: Pete Ness

Re: E mail alert is not working as expected if we configure to watch more than 1 targets - 09/01/16 12:28 PM

Hi, Rinish.

It sounds like you're doing everything right - alerts are built to be shared between multiple targets.

Your description here sounds super-similar to a support ticket we're working on - I'm *guessing* that you're a colleague of the person who submitted that question. I'm going to use some of what I just responded to that question.

See attachment for an illustration.

You can tell if you have alerts configured by looking at the Summary tab (see attached screenshot). Some notes:

* Targets with an [A] in the left-most column have alerts configured and should be receiving alerts when conditions are matched and traces are running (you should be able to see latencies change on the summary graph - that's one way to know if they're tracing).
* Targets without the A in the left-most column will not receive alerts.
* Targets not in the summary tab will not receive alerts.

If that doesn't help clear things up, please send a support ticket via the Help -> Email PingPlotter Support... menu and we can dig in to your settings in more depth.

Best wishes,