Hello Pingplotter,<br><br>I am doing pings with pingplotter on a Windows200 system and see the delays vayring in jumps between 31 and 16 msec. I see the same effect when doing a ping -t in the command box of Windows2000.<br>If I do the same tests from a Windows98 or Linux system (from the same IP subnetwork), I see a constant value of the ping.<br>If I use another program on the above mentioned WIndows2000 system (Qcheck or Chariot: http://www.netiq.com/qcheck/default.asp) I see also a constant response time (this tool simulates a ping at TCP level).<br><br>So I don't understand what is happening? Is pingplotter using the same code as the ping command? And is there something wrong when I use Windows2000?<br><br>Thanks for your response.<br><br>All the best,<br><br><br>Victor<br><br>